WPT/4B i WPT/8B Krevet vage

Specialistic solution for healthcare facilities.
Product in the Register of Medicinal Products.



Preuzmite ovdje PDF dostupnih WPT/B modela

Complete and Convenient WPT/4B Scale Construction
WPT/4B scale is equipped with trolley that functions as the indicator
stand. 4 weighing modules, connected via cables can be placed under
any bed regardless of casters spacing. The casters are lifted using
special lift (intended for casters of 100 – 200 mm diameter).

Ergonomics and Simplicity of the WPT/8B
Construction of the ramp bed scale matches any bed type and can
be used regardless of the applied braking system. The scale features
long weighing platforms, thanks to this beds of various lengths can
be weighed. Adjustable platform spacing, up to 2.5 meters, makes the
scale suitable for beds of various widths too.

Cooperation with PUE C/31 Indicator
The scale can be operated via uncomplicated and reliable PUE C/31
indicator housed in an ABS housing.
Uncomplicated Operation and Clear Presentation of Indications
Due to a backlit LCD display the measurement result is clearly visible.
Easy operation enables fast and reliable measurements to be carried
out even by an inexperienced operator.

Uninterrupted Operation due to an Internal Battery
Integrated battery of the weighing indicator enables several hours
long mobile operation.


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